A Nice Illustration

This is an illustration by an artist named Ray Troll.  This illustration was done in1990, and is a linoleum block print with some watercolor added, and turned digital. Ray lives and works in Ketchikan, Alaska; and owns a small gallery named "Soho Coho." Ketchikan is a small town that brings in most of its profit through the fishing industry.  Ray's work is based around that same industry- only he puts a different spin on it.  He creates illustrations that are hilariously satirical, and kind of pokes fun at the serious business that Alaskans tend to make fishing out to be. He often takes common phrases, like this one above (truth is stranger than *fiction*),  and puts some kind of fishing jargon into that phrase, and then bases his illustration around that new-found phrase. I think he is trying to send the message to those who work or live around the fishing industry; sending the message that fishing needs not be so serious as most people make it out to be. I chose this as one of my illustration examples because I think he does an excellent job at getting out a good message in an ironic and comical way, and does a fantastic job at illustrating those messages.